Chris Hooper took the roundabout way into accounting -- from wrestling promoter at the age of 13 to power lifting competitor to entrepreneur. He'd always been good at making money, but never good at keeping it, so he figured he needed to study up on accounting. And the rest is history. While he isn't competing anymore, he still lifts regularly, sometimes even with clients.
In this episode, we talk about how Chris works hard to make Accodex a refuge for really good accountants who also have passions outside the office. While this might be frowned upon at larger firms, he embraces and encourages it. He stays in constant contact with all the staff but also schedules quarterly meetings with every individual. His goal is to have short-term productivity but long-term engagement from his team, so he works hard to align their personal goals with those of the firm. The question that he asks everyone is, "What's your dream job and what can we do for you to help you get there?"